Changing the Face of Menopause in Ireland


5 minute read

The stages of perimenopause and menopause can be confusing times in a woman’s life. With 34 known symptoms (possibly more) ranging from brain fog to anxiety and sleep problems to weight gain and loss of libido and general mojo, it’s a time of dramatic transformation. That transformation doesn’t have to be framed negatively though, once armed with knowledge and understanding, it can be a stage of great vigour and vitality.

Catherine O’Keeffe is one of the main menopause advocates in Ireland, known as Wellness Warrior, she is an inspiring woman determined to make things better for other women as they experience menopause and the changes it brings. She is the founder and host of the Menopause Success Summit, a brand new live and interactive event (online, but not on Zoom!), taking place on September 25th. I asked Catherine 10 questions about the genesis of it all and what she hopes for the event.

What led you to dedicate your work to helping women as they experience menopause?

I started my own perimenopause journey at the age of 44 and the lack of information available was very evident. So I was prompted to start doing my own research. I had previously gone back to college to study natural medicine, and I was lucky to be able to navigate the choppy waters of perimenopause myself, but so many women are not in the same position as me. I started doing talks all around the country and the appetite was huge, anywhere I spoke the room was always filled so it grew from there.

What were you doing beforehand?

Would you believe I was a director in investment banking for over 20+ years, so this was a complete career change for me. Returning to college in my latter years in the bank gave me another path to pursue and then the obvious was concentrating on women’s wellness and educating as many women as I could on menopause.

What has been your personal menopause journey so far?

Now at 50, I can actually say I found the early perimenopause years the hardest part. I was never an anxious person but anxiety crept in when perimenopause started...just small things, being anxious before meetings at work, just not feeling as confident. I also had very heavy periods at this stage too. Now I’m 50 and I am very lucky I have very few symptoms but I know myself well and I have my own personal toolkit (the Warriors  Toolkit, as I call it - a list of supports and resources that suit each of us individually) to pick from. So I support myself in various ways when I need it. The heavy periods, the anxiety, they are well gone, but even chatting to you now I definitely remember I found those early years the hardest. But I have a few years yet to go so let’s see what that brings - I definitely feel ready for it with the fountain of knowledge I now have available to me!

How informed do you think the women of Ireland are about menopause?

Oh, that’s a mixed bag - some are really informed while many others are bereft of knowledge. This is the saddest thing I see; so many women feel alone and like they are going crazy when all it is is the inevitable hormonal change that is happening in their bodies. This was the biggest driver for me in organising the Menopause Success Summit as every woman deserves to be informed. Knowledge is power.

With all the women you’ve met through the Wellness Warrior story so far, what unites them?

Laughter! When we meet together in a room there is nothing better than the shared camaraderie of women supporting each other. And now even on virtual events, it’s the same - something really special happens when women get together and support each other on life...anything. Support is crucial in menopause. Women want knowledge, they want the facts, they want the information to thrive through their menopause years - I think all women are united on that front.

What do you hope that women gain from the Menopause Success Summit?

My goal is that women will get practical, accurate, evidence-based information on all aspects of their menopause. I want any woman attending to feel empowered and ready to tackle menopause head-on. We will be covering all the big hot menopause topics so HRT, sleep, brain fog, weight gain, emotional aspects, sexual pleasure, nutrition and much more.

Who are you excited to hear speak?

That’s like asking me who my favourite child is! Every one of the speakers excites me. Honestly, when I asked for feedback on what subjects women wanted to hear about, I then went and found those speakers I know will offer the best and most practical advice to women. So to me, they are all special in their own area of expertise. For me personally, as I am so interested in brain health, I am really looking forward to hearing Dr Lisa Mosconi speak about her new research on the brain in menopause. I am delighted to have someone of her international acclaim involved in the very first summit.

Wellness is a personal passion project for you, what are you most proud of so far?

That’s a tough one Ellie….you know I am proud of how I have grown and all I have learned over the last few years. I have learned so much from training, reading etc but I have learnt the most from the men and women I have worked with. Knowing you have helped even one woman in this passion makes me smile, so I am proud of the fact I have talked with and supported thousands of people at this stage.

Do you think that the menopause mission is gaining ground here?

Yes! It has been for over 5+ years and we are doing well, we are ahead of the US for example and growing fast behind the UK. The changes are happening, there is a lot going on in the background that will take months and years to come to light but change is happening for sure.

Also, workplaces are embracing menopause, I am in workplaces daily in Ireland and internationally now, so I see firsthand the progressive and supportive employers who are opening their doors to the menopause conversation. This needs to happen across the board and it is - I will be talking more about this at the Summit as it’s a large part of the work I do.

What changes would you most like to see for women in terms of menopause education and care? 

My three goals have always been (1) Menopause education in SPHE at secondary level (2) Training for all who interact with women - GP’s, therapists etc. It is really important that GP’s are fully up to date on menopause and that more training is given in college to those studying medicine. Also therapists, nurses - anyone working with women in menopause need the training to understand it fully, and (3) Menopause in the workplace - women are working longer and enjoying their careers - employers and workplaces need to support them through these years.

the menopause success summit takes place online on September 25th.
You can use code HEYDAY for 10% off the ticket price.

Hope to see you there!

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