The Skincare Edit: Under-Eye Miracle Workers


I can’t remember where or how I heard about eye gels (or eye patches as some brands call them), but I do remember the first time I used them and exactly where I was when it happened.  It was approximately three years ago, I was in the Middle East, ripping open the box, and staring at my haggard, post-long-haul flight face in the mirror and thinking; ‘I hope the 20 odd quid I spent wasn’t in vain’.  

On a whim, I had thrown a box of eye gels into an online order I was making from Cult Beauty. Rapidly approaching my midlife, how could I ignore a product that claimed to depuff my nearly always puffy under eyes, to smooth, hydrate, and help kick ass when it came to fine lines and wrinkles? Well, dear reader, the answer is I couldn’t. 

Out of the box, they came, sealed in small plastic casings, within individual packets. I ripped the packet open and carefully prised them out with my fingers. Soaked in product, they were a little slippery and shaped like giant commas, and after hastily slapping them on under my eyes, I instantly realised two things. One; they were incredibly cool, almost cold, and on my tired, puffy, sleep-deprived face, I thought I had briefly died and gone to skincare heaven.

And two; they were so heavy with product that standing upright just wasn’t going to cut it; I watched them slowly slide down my face in the mirror. So, I had to lie down. 

Fifteen blissful minutes passed; me lying horizontally on the bed, while my under-eye area was having the time of its life. I reluctantly got up to remove them, and as I peeled them off (with my face as close as possible to the mirror), I said something like ‘Jesus Christ’. I’m also quite partial to an ‘oh my god’, so it could have been that, too.

The skin under my eyes was glowing. Absolutely zero puffiness. Minimal dark shadows. And hydration that I could only describe as off the charts. I looked fantastic. And I hadn’t slept in about 27 hours. 

Since that day, I am never without a packet or tub of eye gels. Not only because of their remarkable depuffing, soothing, and hydrating abilities but because they insist on taking time out. Using them is not just about your skin and looking rested, it’s about feeling rested, too. 

I use them weekly, sometimes more, depending on how I’m feeling or how tired I am. I read a chapter of my book, I listen to a podcast, and sometimes I do absolutely nothing at all (except maybe think about how great I’m going to look in approximately 15-20 minutes). 

Eye gels are my gift of choice for friends and family, on special occasions, or when they’re feeling tired or going through a rough time. Not only because they genuinely work, but because they must take time out to use them. Time to open the packet, and prise them out, and carefully place them under their eyes, and marvel at the cold feeling, and maybe even lie down for a few minutes. A few moments for themselves. What could be better?

PIXI FortifEYE Firming Eye Patches (30 pairs), €26.00

PIXI FortifEYE Firming Eye Patches (30 pairs), €26.00

My two favourite brands, when it comes to eye gels, are Patchology and Pixi Beauty. The former started out making innovative patches for use in the medical field, and as a result, their eye gels are true game changers; think rejuvenating, illuminating, and restoring (they even have eye gels with retinol, depending on which version you go for). And the latter’s offering is all about ease of use and hydration, and a little more bang for your buck - each tub has a whopping 30 pairs of eye gels.  

Patchology Eye Gels, €3.50 each

Patchology Eye Gels, €3.50 each

So, if you’re just starting with your skincare routine, or if you’ve got it down pat, I highly recommend adding eye gels into the mix. Use them daily, weekly, or whenever you like. And don’t forget to order limited-edition glitter ones for Christmas!

Simone Gannon, November 2020

Do you use eye gels? tell us your favourites in the comments below…

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