My Lockdown Saviours: Alison Curtis


4 minute read

Alison Curtis is a busy broadcaster who combines presenting Weekend Breakfast on Today Fm with being mum and home school teacher to her daughter Joan. Here she shares the things that are making lockdown three a little easier and nicer. 

Almost one year into this experience, how are you doing?

We are doing okay actually. It is total groundhog day but I am looking to the positives. No pressure, no makeup and hardly a bra in sight!

What are the things that are helping to keep you upbeat at the moment? 

My daughter Joan and I are walking a lot! In fact, this week we embarked on a 5k A Day challenge to raise funds for Barnardos and it has been great to get out each day and push for those steps! I have to say, work is also keeping me up. Since last year more than ever people have been getting in touch and I have had more time to write back to listeners individually, it’s been really lovely.

Where’s your current favourite walk?

We currently hit up St Anne’s Park a lot. We can get coffees and brownies and pretend we are burning them off after. I love green spaces, it really calms me down and St Anne’s is so lovely with open spaces and forested places.

What are you listening to?

Last year I could not stop listening to Taylor Swift. Both Folklore and Evermore were my absolute favourites. But lately, I need more rock back in my life so I am listening to classic older albums from Pixies, Bruce Springsteen and the National to get me through the day.

What are you reading?

I am currently finishing Sally Rooney’s Conversations with Friends. I loved Normal People and for some reason didn’t pick up her debut novel until this past week and it is excellent. Also, my daughter and I keep going back to Sinead Burke’s Break the Mould it has so many good messages for kids and adults in it.

What are your favourite podcasts?

I, like millions of others, have fallen for true crime podcasts. Two of my favourites are Canadian-produced pieces. The first one is Missing and Murdered. It is so tragic and follows the stories of Indigenous women and their stories. The second is Someone Knows Something produced by an amazing journalist called Dave Ridgen - his investigations have led to convictions and I find that incredible.

Are you a strictly loungewear lockdowner or are you getting dressed? 

I am no Marie Kondo and am pretty damn lounge-like! In fact, my body would probably reject jeans at this stage. I do need to get properly dressed for work but even that is sliding a bit these days…

What are you doing for self-care? 

Cooking is self-care for me these days. We have moved into a rental place that is considerably bigger than our house which we are renovating. And to have space to cook is really lovely. My 9-year-old is getting into it too and has started making homemade pizzas and baking loads. I find it really relaxing and grounding to be with her in the kitchen.

Is there an app that has helped get you through? 

I have used the Calm App for years. It is great for all sorts of needs. Stress, anxiety and helping you learn how to meditate. It also has really lovely bedtime stories for kids that I put on every night for my daughter.

Give us your favourite Netflix recommendations.

Not strictly Netflix but I absolutely fell in love with Ted Lasso over Christmas, it is on Apple TV and just so perfect. We are watching Season 4 of Fargo on TG4 at the moment and like the previous seasons, it’s brilliant. I also just finished It’s A Sin on Channel 4 - it is devastating but the acting and writing are utterly amazing.

What total treat are you fantasising about when all this is over?

I really want to get to Canada and to my family cottage. I missed not getting there this year so, so much. It grounds me, I am so relaxed there and I love being in the wide-open space of Canada’s lake lands.

Where is the first place you’ll travel to when you’re allowed to go and why?

I really want to see my family, I miss them so much. Sometimes Zoom just doesn’t cut it!

Jennifer Stevens, February 2021

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