Emma Kelly: Woman in her Heyday


Which three adjectives describe you best?

Curious, feminist and creative

what is on your mind most these days?

The importance of living in the present, COVID 19 does not really allow for planning, and I am a planner

What is the last thing that you said no to?

This question makes me realise that I probably do not say no enough

What is the last thing you said yes to?

A sea swim with friends

What made you decide to do what you are now doing in your life?

A combined love of the media, art, design and current affairs. Plus a history of entrepreneurship in my family.

How many things have you been in your life so far?

Daughter, sister, friend, student, girlfriend, boss, wife, client, mother, company director, colleague, mentor

Where do you come in your family, and did this have any influence on you?

Eldest child and only daughter, it definitely influences your world view. Eldest children get undivided attention from their parents. My youngest brother (three in total) is 16 years my junior. Helping to raise him definitely delayed my timing for becoming a mother myself

Are you where you wanted to be at this stage in your life?

I’m pretty content. But there’s always room for improvement. I recently turned 50 and that is a moment for reflection. 

What is the best, and worst piece of advice you have received in your life so far?

The best: in life it is important to be an observer

The worst: try to always be at the school gate for your kids. As if there is not enough maternal guilt already!

What does midlife feel like to you?

A place of privilege, where one can reflect on and be grateful for the lessons that life has given you before now. Also that having put my 30s and 40s into parenting and building a business, there is more time and space ahead for wellness and adventures.

Is there something you have dreamt of doing for a long time?

Getting to know Italy, the language the history and the culture.

Has there been a place, event, or experience that has transformed your ideas or given you a new perspective? And what changed after that?

Not one moment or event that I can think of. I believe people are a composite of all their life experience. I read a lot of nonfiction and biography and that has always informed my world view. I was profoundly shocked by Brexit and the election of Trump, which made me realise how out of touch my own elitist liberal views were, that I could not see this disenfranchised protectionist movement gaining momentum.

What is something you love now, that you couldn’t imagine you would like in the past?

Being at home. I never took a proper maternity leave, was always working long hours, eating out at the weekend and on the go. COVID has forced me to appreciate being at home, being less busy, cooking and taking care of the house.

Is there a milestone you are working towards in your personal or professional life at the moment?

Having my business Elevate PR survive and thrive.

How do you think the world of work can improve for women?  

Their partners need to help a whole lot more, women still do most of the heavy lifting in terms of childcare.

What do you spend too much time doing? And what do you spend too little doing?

Screen time - I spend too much time online looking at my phone or laptop. Social media has become such a big part of consumer PR and it is hard to keep on top of it all. I spend too little time exercising.

How do you care for your own wellbeing?

Sleep has always been really important to me, along with baths for unwinding. I also make a lot of time for reflection.

What do you feel free of now that you are at this life stage?

The need to be constantly busy

What gives you the most stress at this life stage? 

Dealing with perimenopausal issues such as night sweats. I am on HRT which is helping. Midlife women need to keep informed.

Do you sleep well?

Yes, apart from those occasional night sweats!

What advice would you offer to yourself in your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s?

20’s: Enjoy every moment – which I did! You will be surprised at how starting your own business will pay off for you.

30’s: The days of parenting are long, but the years go by fast. Invest in childcare and do not let it be a deduction from the mother’s take home pay. Buy stock in Google, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft (wish I did!).

40’s: Prioritise fitness and wellness, do not surrender to motherhood, make your partner share the load.         

Did you ever feel lost on your life path?

Luckily no, I have been very privileged. I have always felt a sense of purpose to be a communicator and to keep learning. I did not adore the baby and toddler years with my children, but we got through it all.

What do you love about yourself?

A hard question to answer, but I think it is staying curious.

When do you feel truly alive?

After a swim in the sea

What do you consider your biggest achievement?

Learning to live in the now

What was a major turning point in your life?

Starting my own business

What are you looking forward to in the coming months?

Getting the kids back to school. They will have been off nearly six months by the time September comes around.

Are you a good friend?

I hope so, I made great friends at school and they are still my best friends. I am grateful that I went to a mixed school. Boys and girls, and men and women, can be lifelong friends. Irish segregated education is not conducive to this, especially in the gender fluid world we now live in.

What in life is beautiful to you? Where do you find inspiration?

Nature, art, people and travel

Any regrets?

Honestly no, even the setbacks were a learning experience

Knowing what you know now, what is most important in life?

Living in the moment, to love and be loved

What makes you feel at home?

Being with my husband and kids. Home is a sense of being protected from the outside world and is a basic human need and right. I think that our homes should be cosy and warm, not clinical and immaculate. They should be a lifetime’s accumulation without being cluttered.

Favourite book, and why?

Start with Why – by Simon Sinek. It is a business/marketing book but very apt for the times we live in. Everything/body needs a sense of purpose.

Favourite piece of music, and why?

Opera sung by Maira Callas probably La Wally

Last time you cried (tears of joy count!)   

I cried with pain and frustration of my broken ankle, I slipped getting in for a swim at the 40ft a few months ago

What is this moment in time teaching you both personally and professionally about diversity and inclusion?

 This moment of the tipping point coming for Black Lives Matters is huge. We saw a similar impact with #MeToo and Extinction Rebellion. It is gives me great optimism and hope. Gen Z is passionate about equality (even more so than Millennials) and the world is changing. The four key issues for all boards at the moment are surviving the Covid impact, culture, diversity and climate change

How will you challenge yourself to speak to this in your business?

 PR in Ireland is a world of privilege where there is an oversupply of graduates wanting to enter the profession. It is very hard to get in unless you come from a family who will part fund an internship.  As an industry and a business we need to find a way to make it more accessible. We have diversity within our team at Elevate. We are all female however and I would like to get more of a gender balance going forward. Diversity is a big issue for us, also in how we cast for photography and influencer campaigns.

At this stage in your career, what do you feel you can give back to those coming up behind you? 

I am passionate about female entrepreneurship. I am involved with Going for Growth, and have had three fantastic mentors there. Research shows that women are much less ambitious when it comes to starting and growing their own business. I believe that you have to see female entrepreneurs and leaders in business and society for young girls to believe it is possible for them.

Emma Kelly in email conversation with Ellie Balfe, June 2020.

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