My Lockdown Saviours: Debbie O’Donnell

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3 minute read

Debbie O’Donnell is the founder and MD of Seahorse Media, a documentary maker and the former Executive Editor of Xposé on Virgin Media Television. Together with her two sons and husband, she lives by the sea in Dublin.

Almost one year into this experience, how are you doing?

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a full year since the first lockdown - it feels like it will never end. I’m good now but I was very sick at the start of the year with Covid-19. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I’m an acute asthmatic and was afraid that the virus would go into my chest but luckily it didn’t. At first, the symptoms were mild but then they developed into a gastric type virus and I couldn’t get out of bed. I can’t speak highly enough of our amazing nurses and doctors on the frontline, especially at St Vincent’s Hospital. The staff are absolutely phenomenal; when I was in A&E for tests, they were incredibly positive, professional and kind. It made a huge difference to me and to my experience as it was a very frightening time.

What are the things that are helping to keep you upbeat at the moment? 

A few things, for example, walking to the shop on my own to get a coffee is bliss. A walk on the beach with the dog gets rid of all the cobwebs. Most importantly, I check in with my friends daily - it’s really important to stay connected and make sure everyone is okay.

Where’s your current favourite walk?

At the moment it’s the Sandymount to Bull Wall route, I love it. It takes a good hour to complete and it’s right alongside the sea. I’m lucky enough to live by the coast so there are some nice walks to occupy myself and my kids.

What are you listening to?

I’m a huge fan of Denise Chaila, I think she’s superb and I’m also listening to Soulé. I’m a big fan of female R&B. There’s so much Irish talent to celebrate.

What are you reading?

I’m still indulging in my favourite magazines - they are such a wonderful escape. I definitely need my regular fashion fix from the monthly glossies and I buy far too many of them – but they are essential reading for me.

What are your favourite podcasts?

Media Tribe by Shaunagh Connaire, an Irish, Emmy-nominated producer living in New York, is great. She always has interesting people with a media slant. I’ve also just discovered Suzy Menkes’ Creative Conversations which I love, particularly the episode featuring Philip Treacy.

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Are you a strictly loungewear lockdowner or are you getting dressed? 

Getting dressed up definitely helps my productivity, even if it’s just making my top half smart. I wear a lot of the PE Nation X H&M collaboration from last year, it’s very comfortable and still looks great. If I have a Zoom call then I usually put a shirt or blazer on to look smart. I have a white Anine Bing T-shirt that always does the job. I’m a big fan of UGGS, they don’t always look great but they are the comfiest, warmest shoes ever. I’m not sure how I will ever get back into my heels again! When lockdown is over, I’m going to throw out every lockdown staple that I’ve been wearing over the last 12 months. Never want to see them again!

What are you doing for self-care? 

I love a long bath, it’s the ultimate in self-care for me. I’m a big road runner and now that I’m feeling okay again, I can start back running. It’s the best way for me to problem-solve, whatever the issue; as soon as I start running, I can work everything out.

Is there an app that has helped get you through? 

The app that has helped get me through Lockdown 3, in particular, is Netflix. I watch a lot of shows for research purposes, but it is definitely my guilty pleasure. The cheesier the better. The Irish Tides app also gets a lot of use in my house. My other half is a crazy sea swimmer so we visit the sea when the tide is high, I love the buzz (not the actual sea swimming though!).

Give us your favourite Netflix recommendations.

I have just finished Call My Agent, which I adored and immediately I want to go to Paris and live my best life there. I love French TV and movies; the scripts are always witty and smart. The French-made thriller series Lupin is also excellent. I’m a big fan of gritty, British Crime Series like Line of Duty and Bodyguard. Also well worth checking out are Unforgotten and Safe House, both excellent.

What total treat are you fantasising about when all this is over?

Having afternoon tea in The Shelbourne or The Westbury – with lots of other people around. Also being able to visit my mum in Cork, I really miss seeing her.

Where is the first place you’ll travel to when you’re allowed to go and why?

New York, I’m working on a documentary based in New York and will need to visit as soon as restrictions are lifted and it’s safe to fly. The second place will be Capetown; my husband is South African and a trip to the in-laws is long overdue.

Jennifer Stevens, March 2021

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