In Her Heyday: Erin Quinn
7 minute read
In the intersection of all the senses, that’s where Erin Quinn’s creative soul lives. A photographer, visual artist and most recently, perfumer behind the beautiful new fragrance brand she has created, EQ factories, Erin shares her life in midlife with us…
Which three adjectives describe you best?
Eclectic, complicated, optimistic.
What is on your mind most these days?
How to work less and use my time more wisely.
What is the last thing that you said no to?
Making a custom scent for someone.
What is the last thing you said yes to?
Producing an olfactory artwork for a friend’s exhibition.
How old are you?
What made you decide to do what you are now doing in your life?
I wanted to do something that I was passionate about, with more creativity, less stress and more flexibility. Being a perfumer is a dream come true. I’ve been really interested in scent from an early age and the fascination with this incredibly emotive sense just keeps growing.
How many things have you been in your life so far?
Here are a few…Daughter, Poet (at 12!), Fashion Model, Magicians Assistant, PA to Federal Cabinet Ministers (Canada), Makeup Artist, PA to Advertising Agency Director, Advertising Agency Exec., Mother, Photographer, Business Owner, Visual/Olfactory Artist, Perfumer.
Where do you come in your family, and did this have any influence on you?
I am the youngest which made me a bit of a loner/quiet observer who has a great desire to be heard, but in subtler, more creative ways.
Are you where you wanted to be at this stage in your life?
Independently wealthy, living in the tropics, a body to kill for, endless energy, incredibly healthy, um no!
What is the best, and worst piece of advice you have received in your life so far?
Best: “Feel the fear and do it anyway” and “You always have a choice”.
Worst: Wear high heels to make you taller.
What does midlife feel like to you?
A time to finally stop apologising and own my place in this world.
Is there something you have dreamt of doing for a long time?
Get back to Canada (it’s been over 10 years since I’ve been back!) next summer!
Has there been a place, event, or experience that has transformed you or given you a new perspective? And what changed after that?
Moving to Dublin from Canada in 1998. I was lacking in confidence and feeling a bit like a fish out of water when I left Canada. Moving here forced me out of my comfort zone in so many ways and it immediately felt like home to me. More so than Canada ever had. Dublin gently cajoled me to put myself out there, talk to strangers. It allowed me to reinvent myself, in a way, to explore and embrace my creative and quirky side and feel like I finally belonged somewhere.
People talk a lot about pivoting these days, of all the 'switches' you've made or recommend, which has been the most powerful change for you personally?
Uprooting my life and moving abroad.
Erin at her photography exhibition
Do you feel your creativity is surging or sinking in midlife?
I find creativity is like a wave and has always been that way for me. When I’m on top of the wave in full creative flow, there is no happier or more fulfilling place for me to be. Sometimes I’ll lose footing and sink beneath the waves for a bit. But with patience and self-love, I always get back up there again. I do think the moments of creativity are greater as I age and trust in myself more though.
How do you think the world of work can improve for women?
To give us more flexibility, money and kudos for all the balls we are expected to juggle!
What do you spend too much time doing? And what do you spend too little doing?
Worrying about worst-case scenarios. Self-care.
How do you care for your own wellbeing?
Meditation and reading.
‘Emma’ from the photography series, Breaking Point
What do you feel free of now that you are at this life stage?
Giving as many f&*ks.
What gives you the most stress at this life stage?
Financial security.
Do you sleep well?
Do you take any supplements or HRT?
I take HRT and it’s been a game-changer for me especially for sleep and giving me a clearer head.
EQ Factories eau de parfum
What advice would you offer to yourself in your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s?
Be kind to yourself, be kind to yourself, be kind to yourself.
Did you ever feel lost in your life path? How did you find your way again?
Uh, every week! Thankfully I’m pretty flexible and have never really been afraid of change so if one path isn’t working then I take a step to the left or right or change course entirely…and I don’t look back. There are positives and lessons to be learned from every path we take so I don’t think I’ve ever been truly lost, I just hadn’t found my next steps yet. I’m still finding my way as I go!
What do you love about yourself?
My adaptability, warmth and ability to forgive easily.
When do you feel truly alive?
When I’m in the flow of creativity…When I’m knee-deep in a project that has me expanding my knowledge and pushing my comfort zone. It’s the biggest buzz I’ve ever found.
What do you consider your biggest achievement?
I’m not great at recognising my achievements. I’m a bit of a perfectionist so I never think I’ve achieved enough to give myself credit for. I’m working on it.
What was a major turning point in your life?
When I moved to Ireland in 1998.
What in life is beautiful to you? Where do you find inspiration?
Beauty is anything or anyone or an experience that makes me smile, catches me by surprise, makes me thirsty to know more or fills my heart with love or wonder or makes me stop and take notice. I find inspiration from so many things. I just need to open my eyes and senses and there will be something. Music and art are big ones for me. Anything that makes me slow down and be fully present in the moment. Anything that makes me feel something. That’s why I’m in love with scent and all things olfactory. It ticks all those boxes for me.
Any regrets?
Nope. I see no point in regrets. “Guilt is a useless emotion” was a great quote a therapist once said to me.
What are you afraid of?
Knowing what you know now, what is most important in life?
Connection, hope and to remember to breathe.
Favourite piece of music, and why?
Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon and Garfunkel. This song has played on so many occasions in my life from adolescence through into adulthood when I’ve really needed it. It’s been uncanny actually. It’s just played randomly, on the radio, when I’ve walked into a shop, at times of transition or low points in my life. I wouldn’t be religious at all, but I’ve always called it my “God song”. I also recently discovered it was actually written in 1970, the year I was born too! It’s beautifully composed and written and so emotive to me.
Last time you cried (tears of joy count!)
Do hormonal tears count? Last week!
What are your feelings on this new Covid/pandemic world we find ourselves in now?
I’ve quite enjoyed how it made us all slow down for a bit and take stock of what is important in life. Connection and nature were the two that stood out for me most.
Questions: Ellie Balfe & Answers: Erin Quinn
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