Simone Gannon

in her own words…


Writing about yourself in the first person is a special kind of torture, but one I will happily tolerate for the wonderful Ellie Balfe, and Heyday.  

So, let’s begin. 

My name is Simone Gannon. I’m a late- thirty-something freelance Creative Strategist and writer from Galway. 

Creative Strategist is a fancy term for someone who creates and curates social media content, online marketing campaigns, and media outreach for small businesses. 

Basically, I help brands tell their stories online in an impactful way. 

I have also been known to pick up a camera from time to time to shoot brand campaigns (on occasion turning the lens on myself because, Instagram). 

Before the digital world dragged me down, I worked in publishing in the Middle East. Writing, commissioning, and managing products for Time Out Dubai and Grazia Middle East. It’s not as exciting as it sounds, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I regret deciding to work for myself. See: working on the couch in pajamas. And: why yes, I am on my laptop in bed. 

The Middle East was my home for seven sunny years; first Bahrain, and then Dubai, where my son Charlie was born. And now, after a two-year stint back in Ireland, we have found ourselves in the sandpit once again. This time in Saudi Arabia. 

What can I say? I love a challenge.

As a result of my overseas escapades, people often enquire about my ‘adventurous nature’ and ‘passion for travel’. They are always disappointed to learn that actually; I just couldn’t deal with the weather at home. 

One thing I am passionate about, however, is people. I studied Psychology in my youth and briefly considered becoming a Psychologist. That is until I realized I just like sitting in coffee shops, observing people. And I didn’t need any training to do that. I did need to buy a lot of coffee, though. 

I write about people every day. People I know. People I love. People from previous lifetimes. People who walk past me in the street. I write about people who move me. In their behaviours, in their decisions, in their approach to life. 

I have learned more about living, and about how to live, in this stage of my life, than any other. I have learned more about myself, and what I want, from interacting, observing, and listening to people. 

And so that’s what you’ll see from me here, on The Heyday. Musings and stories about people (and maybe something about skincare, too – so I can justify my shopping habit).